Blubrry vs Buzzsprout podcast hosting 2021

  Who’s a podcast hosting service for? Those who want to start a podcast must start with a podcast host. The podcast host gives you RSS feeds to let listeners subscribe to the podcast. You can also submit these podcasts to directories. Podcast files being audio files require both big servers and ample bandwidth for […]

SEMrush vs Ahrefs: Which SEO tool is better 2021

SEMrush and Ahrefs both are really popular tools. I wrote a comparison post comparing SEMrush vs Moz comparison post where SEMrush was better than Moz. However here this comparison is around SEmrush and Ahrefs both of which go toe to toe. However what will you do when you don’t have the budget for both the […]

Linkminer review: is this backlink checker worth it 2021

Linkminer review: is this backlink checker worth it 2020 Backlinks make or break a site. So even if you have great content, you are not going anywhere with it until you build the right kind of links. These improve the rankings and the position of your site on Google. That’s not to say things like […]