How to use the Advanced ads plugin to display ads on your site

How to use the Advanced ads plugin to display ads on your site

If you run Google AdSense on your site, you need something to eke the most juice out of it. You need to be able to drive the highest clicks and the most revenue possible with what you start. And it’s possible to do that.

Install The WP Advanced Ads Plugin

Go to the advanced ads website or go to your wordpress dashboard>.plugins search for advanced ads and install it.

The free version allows you to display ads but is nowhere near the paid version which has a number of distinct features that enable you to accurately target visitors or a/b test your ads.

If you want premium features go ahead and try the premium version. The lift in ad revenue is well worth it.

Once you have downloaded and installed it on your WordPress site, activate the plugin and let’s move on to the next steps.

Connect with Adsense and create a fresh ad

Next go to advanced ad settings and click on adsense settings. From the drop down menu that shows up, find something titled account field. For the account field, enter your Google adsense publisher id.

The publisher id is unique to your adsense account. If you go to adsense account and click on account information you will find the publisher id to the top left of your account. Copy that and paste it here.

From the account field enter publisher id.Connect to adsense


Go to advanced ads options on the dashboard ad click on ads. Create a new ad.

Here enter your ad slot id and the ad code. Go to the ads section and paste the code there.

Click on get details and it will start sourcing ads for you.

Step 4

Scroll up and publish the Ad you just created.

Step 5

You’ve successfully completed creating your first AdSense Ad. But there’s still one more thing to do. Place it on your blog and make it live.

After you click on the publish button you’ll see the next screen asking for Ad placement. You may choose any place where you would like to display the AdSense Ads. I would recommend you to choose inside content as it performs pretty well.


That’s all. This would display ads on your blog. It’s also possible that you see none of the ads being displayed. That’s most likely a problem with the cache settings of your blog. Clear the cache and you will be able to see ads now. Advanced Ads true to its name is an advanced plugin that allows easy management of ads.

Target ads to specific demographics, alter ads and display them wherever you want. The end result? You get more revenue with easy flipping of ads.

The plugin is user-friendly which makes it a popular choice.

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