As you begin using convert kit you will notice that your open rates are shooting up. THe platform is for marketers by a marketer and that means you get better bang for the bukc.
The more your clicks are the more money you make.
With our trial offer you get the entire first month for free
Compared to other email marketing tools the user interface is intuitive and sleek. You can enter into a distraction free creator made inside.
The whole interface is free of clutter which means you can write emails free of distraction. There’s no drag and drop builder which is something others might miss. However things become simpler.
The number of automation tools are many
Convertkit integrates a number of automation tools that make you more money. The fun thing is you can subscribe by behavior and group them in a new category. With this you’re able to send much targeted mailers.
Two, you can also filter subscribers.
With those tags you can separate people by behavior and get more targeted mailings.
Convertkit doesn’t charge for duplicate subscriber
When you create different lists by using content upgrades the same subscriber might repeat across those lists. That means you’re paying for each repitio. That adds up to a big number at the end of the day.
SO you might be very used to content upgrades with your email automation tool. Not with convertkit.
There’s another feature that is you can send mailings to reopen easily.